Kingsdown Road, Lincoln,
Lincolnshire, LN6 0FB

01522 688328

Leslie Manser Primary School, (L.A. Maintained)

Enjoying Learning, Achieving Together, Aiming High


OUR Curriculum


Curriculum Intent Statement

At Leslie Manser Primary School, we hope to instil our school ethos of ‘Enjoying Learning, Achieving Together and Aiming High’ into the children’s hearts.

We take pride in providing our children with a diverse and engaging curriculum. Through a rich, progressive curriculum, children explore various subjects and acquire new skills in interesting contexts. Lessons are purposeful and offer challenges to encourage growth. Regular review of past lessons helps ensure retention of learned facts.

Our Cornerstones Curriculum follows the stages of Engage, Develop, Innovate, and Express, extending learning opportunities beyond the classroom walls. This approach sustains children's interest and natural curiosity.

Upon joining our school, we focus on helping children cultivate respectful friendships and understanding of self-respect and respect for others. We create a safe, supportive environment that fosters self-esteem and confidence, empowering children to become active citizens. Embracing individuality and respecting differences are values we instill in our students, as self-esteem and confidence are essential for happy, inquisitive, and imaginative learners who aspire to excel.

We actively encourage and invite parents and caregivers to participate in their children's learning and activities, allowing them to share the learning journey with their families.

What is the Cornerstones Curriculum?

The Cornerstones Curriculum is an innovative and thematic educational approach aligned with the 2014 primary national curriculum to ensure comprehensive coverage of national standards. Rooted in a child-centered teaching philosophy known as The Four Cornerstones, this curriculum is delivered through Imaginative Learning Projects (ILPs) and Knowledge Rich Projects (KRPs), offering a diverse range of engaging learning activities that foster creative connections across different subjects. We believe that children learn best when encouraged to use their imagination and apply their knowledge in meaningful contexts. Our curriculum presents numerous learning opportunities throughout the academic year, challenging children to solve problems, think creatively, and effectively demonstrate their understanding. Additionally, Cornerstones offers a robust framework of skills and knowledge that defines end-of-year expectations across all subjects. These skills and knowledge are linked to specific activities and tailored to different age groups, enabling educators to monitor children's progress and address their individual learning requirements.


Subject Booklets

At Leslie Manser Primary School, we ensure that every subject in the National Curriculum is not only taught but also celebrated. We recognise that children have different strengths and interests across various subjects. As children mature, they may choose to specialise and pursue specific curriculum paths. Therefore, at Leslie Manser, we aim to help children truly comprehend the subjects they are learning and contemplate possibilities like becoming a historian, an artist, or a geographer. Through our curriculum, we strive for all children to discover their passion and approach it with dedication to excel in that field. Our goal is for them to be well-prepared to tackle these subjects in secondary school and beyond.

In our subject booklets, you will get a comprehensive overview of our curriculum for each subject. These booklets include our vision statement, the long-term plan for each subject, the progression of knowledge and skills, and the essential key vocabulary.

















Class Curriculum Details

Curriculum Overview

Promoting British Values