Kingsdown Road, Lincoln,
Lincolnshire, LN6 0FB

01522 688328

Leslie Manser Primary School, (L.A. Maintained)

Enjoying Learning, Achieving Together, Aiming High

Rotary Club Shoebox Appeal

In December the School Council and Miss Malloch were involved in the Rotary Club’s Shoebox Appeal. Every year, the kind people at the Rotary Club organise the delivery of thousands of shoeboxes full of useful things and toys to children all across Eastern Europe. The School Council were overwhelmed after asking parents for donations of small toys, toiletries and other items that could appeal to children of all ages. One lunchtime, they all got together and packed the boxes – deciding on the age range that each one was suitable for. Alfred Schneider, the Chair of Vocational Service and Youth Committee at the Rotary Club Lincoln, then came to collect the boxes and met with two of the school councillors.

Remembrance Day

We were inspired by the poppies at The Tower of London. We decided to commemorate Remembrance Sunday with our own clay poppies.  We used them as part of a special assembly.

Key Stage 2 visited Shree Sanatan Mandir (Temple) in Leicester. The children had a fantastic day out. They learnt about the different Gods, watched Hindus worship and were given the opportunity to look at the shrines close-up. Some children were so moved by what they saw that they chose to show their respect to the Gods too. The people at the temple were very welcoming and pleased that the children were learning about the religion. They complimented our children on their behaviour and interest. As we left, all children were given a sweet, and the adults received a coconut!

After lunch the children visited the ‘Golden Mile’ (Belgrave Road) and saw some of the Indian shops.

On Thursday 14th November, our Y5 and 6 visited the NEC Skills show. They has an exciting time learning about a variety of jobs, and watched skilled experts at work. They even got the opportunity to try their hand at a few things!

Here are a few photos of some of the things they saw and did.


Coming soon...